Saturday, January 9, 2010

A WebQuest history Unit: Doing a Poster of a Native American Tribe
Hernandez, F., Sparks, N. & A. Vega-Candelario
Students and Project Evaluation
The students’ assessment for academic achievement in this history unit will be done using performance assessment for three main features, with a rubric for each one: 1) Poster produced by each team (team score); 2) individual attitude and participation in teamwork (individual score); and 3) team oral presentation to the class (team score). The project evaluation will be done by participating stakeholders (teachers, authorities, students, parents, community) through an email survey sent by the school principal to a sample of the different stakeholders
Students’ Evaluation
The students’ achievement will be evaluated on a scale from one to ten, with rubrics for individual attitude and participation in team work, quality of the created team poster, and poster presentation to the class. All the members of a team will earn the same points for its creation, and its presentation. Each student could earn a total of 30 points for their work in this unit. The earned points/30 will be converted to a percentage score.
Examples of Rubrics
Individual and Team Assessments of an Integrated History Unit for 2nd Grade
A. Individual Student Attitude/Participation in Team Work
Emergent: 1-6
Good: 7-8
Excellent: 9-10
Stud Points/Tot

B. Team Poster
Emergent: 1-6
Good: 7-8
Excellent: 9-10
T. points/Tot
Qs Responses
-All & Explains
Historical Perceptions
-A first try
-Group average
-Scarce & Poor
-1-2 Creative
-3 or > Creative:
Grammar & Spelling
-9 or > errors
-4-8 errors
-1-3 errors
Document organization & neatness

C. Rubric for Team Oral Report
Emergent: 1-6
Good: 7-8
Excellent: 9-10
T. Points/Tot.
-Partially Clear
Visual Aids
-Outline & at least one good illustration.
-Outline, Poster, pictures, labels, drawings.
-Outline, Poster
-illustrated, labels, artifacts
Self-control & Focus
Personal Appearance

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